Wednesday, May 13, 2015

And . . . Scene

Hey, bookish friends. I've decided to let my Bookish blog die out.

Fear not--I do still know how to read and AM still reading. The problem is this: I am way, way, WAY behind on posting my reviews. I have a backlog that's pretty ridiculous. And after finishing the previous few books, I'd think, "Crap. Now I have to review it."

Which is not a way I want to deal with books.

So, the blog was fun while it lasted, but life is busy and I need to pick and choose where I dump my time and efforts. Reading? Yes. Blogging about reading? Letting it go.

However, should I just HAVE TO blog about a book, there's still my main blog at So, I have options.

Thanks for reading along with me---it's been fun!